Open Evening

Are you interested in a career in Construction?

  • On Site Bristol offer Apprenticeship Training Programmes in 7 key construction trades – Electrical, Carpentry, Bench Joinery, Plastering, Gas Engineering (inc. Plumbing), Bricklaying and Painting & Decorating.
  • Come along to find out how, and when to apply for our apprenticeship programmes.
  • Meet our team and get advice on trades, wages, qualifications and securing employment.
  • Meet some of the employers, developers and apprentices we work with.

If you are interested, please register below!

Mixed group of people standing and listening to providers

Open Evening registrations now open:

  • Tuesday 26th November 2024, 5pm to 7:30pm

  • Location: The Create Centre, Smeaton Road, Bristol, BS1 6XN